Monday, May 2, 2016

Case of the Pygmy Giant - Sucess

Having found themselves at a bit of an unexpected advantage our heroes return with Malta subdued. Some quick magical thinking by Semitra has her feeling 'friendly' and after talking out her feelings agrees in writing to stop her truly evil plan (kidnapping the village children, turning them into pigs,  and then cooking them into pies that she would sell back to the villagers... Muhahahaha!!1!) if the villagers agree to leave the forest and never return.

While still charmed she begins to turn all the pigs (and one disgruntled cat) back into children. Just before she is about to finish transforming the last piggy Semitra's charm wears off and realizing she has been foiled, disappears in a fit of pique. Our observant adventurers are able to transform the last piggy and set off to return the cartload of babbling babies to the village and a rejuvenated Antaeus to the Pygmies.

 The Pygmy tribe is overjoyed to have their giant back and pay the agreed upon price for a mission successfully completed. Our heroes then return to the village to reunite the parents and their children. The sleepy yet happy villagers give their only magical item a handful of beans as a reward. After returning to the office to debrief, eat and sleep the team heads to bed with the satisfaction of a job well done.
Tune in next week for an other exciting installment of Emrys Consulting's newest team!

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