Welcome to The Company!
We are so happy to have you. Varanth Farhell welcomes you to the company and gives you a tour of the facilities, She further warns you to steer clear of the boss... What mysterious man has employed you?
You meet the ever gregarious "Cups" resident Barkeep. Your credits are always good here! One word of warning... just because something is pretty doesn't mean you should drink it.
Our intrepid adventurers are given some case-files to choose from:
1. The Case of the Missing Pygmy Giant
2. The Case of the Dragon's Teeth
3. The Case of the Puzzling Cows
A fine choice was made and our installments begin with The Case of the Missing Pygmy Giant.
After stocking up on tasty eats our venturers make their way to the Ardeep Forest where the will seek out Periwinkle in Sweet Fern.
Along the way we gain a new addition in the form of an adolescent donkey named Petunia.
Some hours of travel see the party resting for lunch were an interesting discovery regarding the provisions packed by Cups.
The party resumes their trek towards the unknown. Will they find the Pygmy (it is quite small...)village? Will they uncover the mystery of how a giant could possible go missing? For answers to these questions and more tune in next week for another exciting installment of the adventures of Emrys Consulting's newest and shiniest employees.
Travel on Travelers....
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